Intarsia, Segmentation, and Wood Inlay Links
Here are some of the best sites we could find for intarsia, segmentation, and wood overlay instructions, and patterns.
Intarsia Books:
Add to your library. Learn Intarsia Books. Pattern Books. Raise Your Skill Level, and increase your enjoyment.
Fantastic Woodworking : Original Intarsia Patterns and Plans with a Down Under Theme. Choose a wood pattern for interesting woodworking projects that any crafts woodworking enthusiast can easily make with their scroll saw and a sander
Free Intarsia Patterns Downloads: We have many Free Patterns of quality intarsia designs for you to download and build today.
Intarsia by Garnet Hall: Intarsia patterns, Scroll Saw Patterns, Scroll Saw Blades, Books, Tools, and Free advice. Everything the scroll saw enthusiast needs to enjoy scrolling.
Intarsia Concepts: Original inatrsia patterns by Tim Rogers.
Intarsias.Net: Contains a couple of free eBooks on Intarsia, and a wood sources page. Unique Intarsia patterns and Intarsia sculptures. Intarsia plans and hand crafted Intarsia art
Judy Gale Roberts Intarsia: The ultimate Intarsia and Inlay patterns site from a great artist.
LumberJocks Woodworking Showcase: An introduction to the basics of Intarsia, plus free classes,and videos (mostly woodworking.)
PS Wood Machines: Intarsia patterns, scroll saw patterns, saw blades, books, accessories and parts
Wildlife Intarsia Patterns: Wildlife Intarsia Patterns are lifelike & whimsical wildlife intarsia patterns for segmented & 3-D projects. Dogs, Fish, Birds & more. Created by Robert J. Hlavacek, Sr. Intarsia patterns and scrollsaw plans, with detailed online instruction sheets, exotic and north american craft wood. Canadian company.
Workshop Supply, Inc: Intarsia patterns, books, supplies. Canadian company.